Results for 'Özge Ekin Gün'

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  1.  27
    Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics. New Essays on Space and Time. Ed. by Roxana Baiasu, Graham Bird, A. W. Moore.Özge Ekin Gün - 2015 - Kant Studien 106 (4):717-721.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 106 Heft: 4 Seiten: 717-721.
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  2. Speech and Gesture in Spatial Language and Cognition Among the Yucatec Mayas.Olivier Le Guen - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (5):905-938.
    In previous analyses of the influence of language on cognition, speech has been the main channel examined. In studies conducted among Yucatec Mayas, efforts to determine the preferred frame of reference in use in this community have failed to reach an agreement (Bohnemeyer & Stolz, 2006; Levinson, 2003 vs. Le Guen, 2006, 2009). This paper argues for a multimodal analysis of language that encompasses gesture as well as speech, and shows that the preferred frame of reference in Yucatec Maya is (...)
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    Mental Simulation of Facial Expressions: Mu Suppression to the Viewing of Dynamic Neutral Face Videos.Ozge Karakale, Matthew R. Moore & Ian J. Kirk - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  4.  20
    An Examination on the Philosophy of Music in the Patristic Middle Ages.Ekin Çoraklı Kahraman - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:4):245-260.
    Orta Çağ, özellikle Avrupa açısından fikir ve yaratma özgürlüğünün kısıtlandığı bir dönem olarak nitelenmektedir. Ancak bu kısıtlamalar felsefe, güzel sanatlar ve birçok diğer alanda yaratıcılığı engelleyememiş, örtük de olsa ortaya çıkan yenilikler Rönesans’ın gelişine zemin hazırlamıştır. Söz konusu yaratıcılık alanlarından birisi de müzik felsefesi olup, bu alana dair bir çalışma yapılmasının Orta Çağ’da belirmiş olan müzik düşüncesinin daha iyi anlaşılmasına yarar sağlayacağı düşünülmüştür. Bu düşünce doğrultusunda çağın ilk zamanlarını kapsayan Patristik Dönem’de müzik felsefesine ilişkin bir çalışma yapılması planlanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın (...)
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    Philosophy in Turkey.ÖZge Ejder - 2003 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 34 (2):223-224.
  6.  45
    Gadamer, Objectivity, and the Ontology of Belonging.Carroll Guen - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (4):589-.
    In everyday language, “objectivity” is an important normative term. It signifies that in our demeanour, in our judgments, in our attitudes, there is more at stake than just what we want in and of ourselves as isolated individuals. Whoever is called upon to moderate the presidential debate must be “objective”; that is, he or she must give each participant a fair hearing and fair treatment. It is not appropriate for such a moderator to take sides or to use the position (...)
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    Cognitive Anthropological Fieldwork.Olivier Le Guen - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (3):445-452.
    In their introduction, Beller et al. point to important issues regarding the problematic interaction of anthropology and cognitive sciences (CS). I address some of these issues in stressing first some limitations of the current state of the fields of anthropology and CS. In the second half of this article, using data from studies I have been conducting among the Yucatec Mayas (Mexico), I present some concrete cases where anthropological and CS methods and approaches are complementary. Finally, I propose some solutions (...)
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  8. Inquiry into Australia's future oil supply and alternative transport fuels Submission by Western Australian Cycling Committee.Roxane le Guen & Parliament House - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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    How Traumatic Violence Permanently Changes Shopping Behavior.Ozge Sigirci, Marc Rockmore & Brian Wansink - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Making sense of causal relations. A cross-cultural and cross-linguistic study.Olivier Le Guen, Jana Samland, Thomas Friedrich, Daniel Hanus & Penelope Brown - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  11.  45
    Why wait for the verb? Turkish speaking children use case markers for incremental language comprehension.Duygu Özge, Aylin Küntay & Jesse Snedeker - 2019 - Cognition 183 (C):152-180.
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    Business ethics in turkey: An empirical investigation with special emphasis on gender.M. G. Serap Ekin & S. Hande Tezölmez - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (1):17 - 34.
    In today's complex business world, the question of business ethics is increasingly gaining importance as managers and employees face numerous ethical dilemmas in their jobs. The ethical climate in the Turkish business environment is also at a critical stage, and the business community as a whole is troubled by ethical problems. This study attempts to determine the effect of individual, managerial and organizational factors on the ethical judgments of Turkish managers, and to evaluate the ethical perceptions of these managers. The (...)
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  13.  16
    Constitutional Principle in the Laws of the Commonwealth.Richard Ekins - 2013 - In John Keown & Robert P. George, Reason, morality, and law: the philosophy of John Finnis. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 396.
  14.  17
    Fen Edebiyat Ve Eğitim Fakültesi Öğrenci.Özge Karakaş - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):927-937.
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  15.  30
    Movement related slow cortical potentials in severely paralyzed chronic stroke patients.Ozge Yilmaz, Niels Birbaumer & Ander Ramos-Murguialday - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  16. On Levi R. Bryant’s “Dim Media” by Ekin Erkan.Ekin Erkan - 2019 - MediaCommons 5:1-20.
    A commissioned article about philosopher of ecology Levi Bryant, and his theory of urban space.
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  17. The Rise of the Progressive Consumer.P. Ekins - 1990 - Business Ethics 4 (1).
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  18.  27
    Associations of Artists and Hellenistic Rulers. The Case of the Guild Established in Ptolemaic Egypt and its Cypriot Subsidiary.Brigitte Le Guen - 2016 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 50 (1):231-254.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 50 Heft: 1 Seiten: 231-254.
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  19. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri Bağlamında Türk Toplumunun Erkeklik Algısı”.Özge Zeybekoğlu - 2010 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 3 (1).
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    Entrepreneurship and the emergence of industrial clusters.Özge Dilaver, Mercedes Bleda & Elvira Uyarra - 2014 - Complexity 19 (6):14-29.
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    The Architecture of Relational Materialism: A Categorial Formation of Onto-Epistemological Premises.Ozan Ekin Derin & Bekir Baytaş - forthcoming - Foundations of Science 30:1-51.
    This study formulates the basic premises of materialism, which has largely lost its visibility despite being one of the fundamental philosophical approaches that have been effective in the development of modern scientific practice and the construction of philosophy of science, in an alternative way, and aims to develop a new materialist interpretation of it that is non-reductive, pluralistic and open to the use of more than one scientific discipline. This interpretation, expressed with the term relational materialism, first addresses matter with (...)
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  22.  22
    German-speaking children use sentence-initial case marking for predictive language processing at age four.Duygu Özge, Jaklin Kornfilt, Katja Maquate, Aylin C. Küntay & Jesse Snedeker - 2022 - Cognition 221 (C):104988.
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    Art and Posthistory: Conversations on the End of Aesthetics.Ekin Erkan - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (3):425-428.
    Art and Posthistory: Conversations on the End of Aesthetics is composed of four conversations between Arthur Danto and Demetrio Paparoni, conducted between 1992.
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    (1 other version)Being: On Pure Phenomenality and Radical Immanence.Ekin Erkan - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 21 (2):197-203.
    A book review of The Michel Henry Reader, edited by Scott Davidson and Frédéric Seyler.
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  25.  22
    For a Rationalist Politics of the Event: Zermelo–Fraenkel Set Theory and Structuring the Multiple.Ekin Erkan - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (1).
    This article examines the relationship between Alain Badiou’s work on mathematics and politics by tethering his most recent work on the former, Migrants and Militants with L'Etre et l'évéenement. Juxtaposing Badiou’s work on being with Deleuzean becoming, this article begins by detailing Badiou’s Platonism. Consequently, the paper seeks to demonstrate that Badiou’s political position on migration is not only compatible with but serves as an extension of his work on Zermelo-Fraenkel axiomatized set-theory. This bricolage critically engages with Badiou’s conception of (...)
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    How to Be a Free People.Richard Ekins - 2013 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 58 (2):163-182.
    This article considers what it is for a free people to rule and to be ruled. The rule of a free people is the rule of the whole people, not merely of some part thereof, even if a majority. However, it does not follow that collective self-government requires or warrants judicial supremacy, for the courts are not better placed than the legislature to represent the whole people in choosing what is to be done. The rule of a free people involves (...)
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  27.  31
    Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen Adaylarının Siyaset Kavramına İlişkin Algılarının Metaf.Özge Tarhan - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 19):873-873.
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    İngilizce Dersi Öğretim Programı İle Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programı Arasında Hedef, İçerik, Öğrenme/Ö.Fazilet Özge Mavi̇ş - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):1083-1083.
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    The Nature of Legislative Intent.Richard Ekins - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    The idea of legislative intent plays a central role in legal interpretation and constitutional theory, yet is repeatedly challenged as being an illusion. Refuting these challenges, this book develops a robust account of how and why legislatures form intentions, and the importance of these intentions to understanding law and parliamentary democracy.
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    Kum Tanelerini Saymak: Latin Şiirinde Öznel Zaman Algısına Kavramsal Metafor Açısından Bakış.Öyken Ekin & Güven Günay Elif - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi 58:179-252.
    Bilindiği gibi zaman Antik Çağ’dan itibaren felsefenin önemli konularından biri olmuştur. Metafor ve metaforun olmazsa olmaz sayıldığı şiir de hemen her çağda filozofların ilgisini çekmiş, metaforu kimileri ifade aracı olarak kullanmış, kimileri doğrudan araştırma nesnesi saymış, şiirin doğasına ilişkin sorgulamalar estetik felsefesinin doğmasında önemli rol oynamıştır. Bu makale zaman, metafor ve şiire felsefe değil filoloji ve edebiyat eleştirisi perspektifinden yaklaşmıştır ama hemen her adımı felsefeyi çeşitli açılardan ilgilendirdiğinden çok disiplinli ya da doğrudan felsefi başka çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağını umuyoruz. Dünyayı ve (...)
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    (1 other version)Criticism beyond Measure.Paul Ekins - 1993 - Environmental Values 2 (1):73-76.
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    Representing Reason: Feminist Theory and Formal Logic.Val Plumwood, Carroll Guen Hart, Dorothea Olkowski, Marie-Genevieve Iselin, Lynn Hankinson Nelson, Jack Nelson, Andrea Nye & Pam Oliver (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Philosophy's traditional "man of reason"—independent, neutral, unemotional—is an illusion. That's because the "man of reason" ignores one very important thing—the woman. Representing Reason: Feminist Theory and Formal Logic collects new and old essays that shed light on the underexplored intersection of logic and feminism.
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    Brief report.Camiel J. Beukeboom & GuÈn R. Semin - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1242-1251.
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    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Categorial Inference and Convert Realism: Structuring Ontology Via Nomological Axiomatics.Ekin Erkan - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):1189-1189.
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  35. Vasily Kandinsky: Around the Circle.Ekin Erkan - 2022 - AEQAI.
    A review of the recent exhibition of Wassily Kandinsky's artworks at the Guggenheim Museum, with interest in Kandinsky's career-wide separation of form from content.
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  36. Étienne Balibar, On Universals: Constructing and Deconstructing Community.Ekin Erkan - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (4):971-978.
    Review of Etienne Balibar's On Universals with an eye towards Balibar's Hegelianism and work on translation.
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  37. On Laruelle and the Radical Dyad: Katerina Kolozova's Materialist Non-Humanism.Ekin Erkan - 2019 - Cultural Logic: A Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice 23:72-82.
    As one of the seminal theorists further developing François Laruelle’s politically-poised “non-standard philosophy,” Katerina Kolozova’s approach to animality and feminism is part of a particular post-humanist Marxist continuum (which includes Rosi Braidotti, Luce Irigaray, Donna Haraway and N. Katherine Hayles). Nonetheless, Kolozova distinguishes herself from this lineage by adhering to Laruelle’s method, liquidating philosophy of its anthropomorphic nexus. Thus, Kolozova also belongs to a more recently inaugurated and nascent tradition, working in tandem with post-Laruellean philosophers of media, technology, aesthetics and (...)
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    Investigation of Kurdish students’ L2 motivational self-system and their motivational beliefs in high school.Kameran Noori Abdullah & Özge Razi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to examine and compare female and male Kurdish EFL students’ level and type of motivation based on L2 motivational self-system components and to identify their dominant type of motivation. The participants of this study were 118 students were randomly selected as the participants of this study from different cities of Erbil governorate in Kurdistan region of Iraq. A Learners questionnaire used following the application of semi-structured interview sessions with learners who participated in the study. The data obtained (...)
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    From Moral Intuitions to Free Will Intuitions: A Dual Interacting-Process Model.Ayhan Sol & Özge Dural Özer - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:4):881-897.
    In this essay, after first briefly reviewing the literature on experimental philosophy and how and why it is important especially for contemporary analytic philosophy, we focus on two earliest experimental research papers on free will intuitions. We also present psychological mechanisms that try to explain why both philosophers and ordinary people have incompatibilist and compatibilist intuitions and free will and moral responsibility. We then move on to another experimental research on moral intuitions and develop a dual process model based on (...)
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  40.  9
    Okul Öncesi Türk Çocuklarinda Rica Dili: Bir Sinif Söylem Perspektifi.Özge Gül Zerey - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):1207-1207.
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  41. Droit et crise(s): actes de la Xe journée d'étude des jeunes chercheurs de l'Institut d'études de droit public (IEDP) organisée à Sceaux le 25 novembre 2016.Yoann Gonthier Le Guen (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
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    Milletlerarası tahkim hukukunda deliller ve delillerin değerlendirilmesi.Ekin Hacıbekiroğlu - 2012 - Şişli, İstanbul: XII Levha.
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    “Power in the service of love”: John Dewey's Logic and the Dream of a Common Language.Carroll Guen Hart - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (2):190-214.
    While contemporary feminist philosophical discussions focus on the oppressiveness of universality which obliterates “difference,” the complete demise of universality might hamper feminist philosophy in its political project of furthering the well-being of all women. Dewey's thoroughly functionalized, relativized, and fallibilized understanding of universality may help us cut universality down to size while also appreciating its limited contribution. Deweyan universality may signify the ongoing search for a genuinely common language in the midst of difference.
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  44.  17
    Are Children Sensitive to What They Know?: An Insight from Yucatec Mayan Children.Sunae Kim, Olivier Le Guen, Beate Sodian & Joélle Proust - 2021 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 21 (3-4):226-242.
    Metacognitive abilities are considered as a hallmark of advanced human cognition. Existing empirical studies have exclusively focused on populations from Western and industrialized societies. Little is known about young children’s metacognitive abilities in other societal and cultural contexts. Here we tested 4-year-old Yucatec Mayan by adopting a metacognitive task in which children’s explicit assessment of their own knowledge states about the hidden content of a container and their informing judgments were assessed. Similar to previous studies, we found that Yucatec Mayan (...)
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  45.  14
    Impact of instruction based on movie and TV series clips on EFL learners’ pragmatic competence: Speech acts in focus.Fouad Rashid Omar & Özge Razı - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study attempts to investigate the role of movie and TV series clips in enhancing EFL learners’ pragmatic competence by utilizing an experimental design. The sample of the study was 42 students from the English language department at Cihan University-Duhok, Iraq. The experiment lasted one academic semester. The participants’ English language proficiency, as determined by an IELTS test sample, was intermediate, and then they were randomly split into two groups, namely experimental and control. Before and after the treatment, a Written (...)
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    Legislated Rights and contemporary constitutional government: a reply.Grégoire Webber & Richard Ekins - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (4):632-644.
    Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights through Legislation aims to correct certain imbalances in constitutional thought and scholarship that burden the legislature and rights with misconceptions...
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    Redd-i Matla As Stylistics A Symploce Component In Divan Poem.Özge Özteki̇n - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:583-609.
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    Angelica Nuzzo. Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely: Melville, Moliere, Beckett.Ekin Erkan - 2022 - The Owl of Minerva 53 (1):109-114.
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    Aesthetic Ideas and Art Interpretation in Kant’s Third Critique and Schelling’s ‘System of Transcendental Idealism’.Ekin Erkan - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    This paper argues for a metacognitive reading of Kant’s doctrine of ‘aesthetic ideas’, according to which they enjoy the functional role of licensing a theory of art interpretation. I begin by offering a textualist reading of Kant’s doctrine of ‘aesthetic ideas’ and contest the received ‘semantic paradigm’ according to which aesthetic ideas either approximate the form or content of a rational idea. After showing the relationship between aesthetic ideas and artistic interpretation, I assess whether Kant’s theory delivers what we want (...)
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  50. Psychopower and Ordinary Madness: Reticulated Dividuals in Cognitive Capitalism.Ekin Erkan - 2019 - Cosmos and History 15 (1):214-241.
    Despite the seemingly neutral vantage of using nature for widely-distributed computational purposes, neither post-biological nor post-humanist teleology simply concludes with the real "end of nature" as entailed in the loss of the specific ontological status embedded in the identifier "natural." As evinced by the ecological crises of the Anthropocene—of which the 2019 Brazil Amazon rainforest fires are only the most recent—our epoch has transfixed the “natural order" and imposed entropic artificial integration, producing living species that become “anoetic,” made to serve (...)
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